Saturday, December 24, 2005

Kids at Christmas

Ok, so the trouble with cats and Christmas is that they are nocturnal, and when Santa fills up their stockings, they don't wait until morning to find them and want to play. . .

Merry Christmas to everyone :)

Yay for Christmas presents :)

Here is my new super cool iPod Nano that our company was nice enough to give us for Christmas.
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Saturday, December 17, 2005


Have you ever tried suduko puzzles? I kind of enjoy them, so here is a link to an online suduko page

Thursday, December 15, 2005

snowy day

Well, I didn't quite make it into work this morning. . . I got to the edge of town, and was like, "this is crazy, why am I trying to drive to work in this. . . ." so I called in and am working from home today. Here is a picture taken from the front prch of my house, it doesn't look quite as bad as it did this morning, and the picture doesn't do justice to reality. . .
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

cat photo / artistic photo de jour

It's Christmas :)

Well, ok, so it's not quite Christmas, but we did put up our Christmas tree. . . see :

Well, ok no, that wasn't the final product. . . . Here it is after a few decorations were added ;)


There is still a very large hole in the roof of my new house. . . . hopefully they will fix it soon, otherwise I could be shovelling snow out of the attic when I move in.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's official

Yay! They have signed the last amendments to the purchase agreement, so it looks like I will officially have a new house on December 23.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Pictures that I actually took myself.

Well, I took some pictures of my own today of the house. The decoration leaves a bit to be
desired, but, I'm sure I will have fun doing some updating. :) I have to say that buying a house is not the least stressful thing I've ever done. But hopefully it will all work out soon.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

House picture, as a result of peer pressure ;)

Ok, so I didn't take this one. It's from the mls listing, it was too dark to take one on Friday after work. I will see if I can get some on Wednesday when we go for the home inspection.

Friday, December 02, 2005

New Home

Well, pending a few small details (like actually getting the money) I will be shortly getting a new house :)
There may be pictures to follow, but I think I'll wait until I actually officially own it ;)