Friday, November 28, 2008

Long Time No Post

Ok, I don't really have a post planned, but it has been a long time... so I'll just post a link to my new photo storage place:
Pretty much all my photos are there, (Yes there are many low quality photos, but I'm too lazy to sort them all out, so you can sift through them all if you want to).

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Originally uploaded by taichigirl81
Best. Peach. Ever.
I managed to save one peach from the squirrels this year. It was juicy and tasty. Hopefully I can get a few more next year.

(I actually had the peach a while ago, I am just getting around to blogging about it though)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Originally uploaded by taichigirl81
My dad got a new kitty for his birthday. This is Wilma. She is a grey tortoiseshell (kind of like Saru only with muted colours). She is a great kitty. More photos can be found on flickr.

Yarn Kitty

Originally uploaded by taichigirl81
I picked up some new baby yarn to make a few gifts for the new babies that are on their way. Saru enjoyed the bag more than the yarn. As soon as I set the bag down, she promptly got into the bag, pushed out all the contents, and laid down. She proceeded to fall asleep in the bag and stay there for a few hours. What could be happier than a cat with a paper bag?

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hockey Anthem Entry

Justin and I put this little song together the other night, and just for fun entered it in the CBC's Hockey Night in Canada Anthem contest.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Series: Saru

Sunny Saru

Saru Closeup

Sunspot Saru


Originally uploaded by taichigirl81
Here are a couple of the peaches that are on my new peach tree (the one that was planted last fall). Unfortunately it seems that my neighbourhood squirrels enjoy peaches, so they may not survive.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Fused Glass

I started taking a fused glass class last week with some people from work. This week we got to see our finished pieces that we made last week. I made 4 coasters and 2 pendants. (The pendants still need to have bails attached, and I still need to find out where I can buy bails to attach to them).


Sunday, April 06, 2008

Almost Done

Originally uploaded by taichigirl81
It has taken far too long, but the sweater that I've been working on (a birthday gift for my cousin) is almost finished. Just have some ends to sew in now.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Newest craftings

These are my newest creations (besides the pair of socks that I'm just sewing the ends in for, and the sleeve of the sweater that will hopefully be completed soon).

They don't have official names yet (I'm open to suggestions) So far I've come up with, Socky the Sock Monkey and Monty the Not-At-All-Scary-Monster.

And a picture with Saru, because she loves it when I take her photo :P

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

While my fellow photographer friends were out braving the cold to try and get some good shots, I wimped out and decided to stay in my nice warm house. I did discover that I actually had a quite nice view of the eclipse out of the windows in the spare bedrooms. I took advantage of this to get a few shots, not the best, but I was at least toasty warm while capturing them.

This is what iPhoto thought the "Enhanced" photo of another shot should look like. I kind of like the way it came out.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Today, Justin and I went to the Wings of Paradise Butterfly Conservatory to escape the cold and take some photos. Here is a selection of photos that I took.