Sunday, March 25, 2007


After a little research I have determined that my dad's old flash is safe to use with my camera, so I spent a little time playing with it this weekend.

St. Jacobs

I figured while I was catching up on old posts I would put up my photos from the hike in St. Jacobs from the winter.

Hey I finally finished. . .

Ok, that is pretty much all the posts I have for my trip to New York. It only took me a couple of months to get around to finishing them :P
And yes, I did go to New York and not go to the Statue of Liberty. I did briefly see it in the distance as we were leaving Brooklyn trying to find our way back home again.
Did I mention that driving in New York is crazy. Driving in Manhattan itself isn't too bad, but trying to use the highways is crazy, we got lost every time we tried to go somewhere in the car. They don't seem to put the same things on the signs as we had on the map or directions. But we did manage to eventually find our way everywhere we were going. We did need to stop for directions at least twice on the way to the bed and breakfast, but the people were nice enough, ven if the directions weren't that helpful.

Brooklyn Bridge

This is the start of the Brooklyn Bridge.


Here are some shots from the subway system. I love the subway, I think they should have them everywhere.

This was the station in Brooklyn near the B&B. It was a little sketchy looking, but there were usually other people (and police a lot of the time) around, so it turned out to be not too bad.

These were taken either as the rain approached or left, I can't remember which.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I wasn't fast enough to get pictures of the huge rats that live in the subway stations. They were down in the tracks (at least all the ones that I saw) so they weren't too scary. They seem to be more on the lines where you had to go further underground to catch the trains.

Random Central Park

I just like the light posts :)

This was a statue of a guy on a horse, I'm not sure the significance, I might have known at the time I took the photo, but this knowledge has fled my brain if it was there at one point.

Central Park Ice Rink

This Ice Rink was much smaller than I had envisioned as well (I'm not sure if I mentioned that about the one at Rockefeller Center or not, but it was also much smaller than I thought it would be). I think it is because the buildings in the background are so big that it messes with the scale in the photos and films of the ice rinks, making them appear larger.

The Dairy

This is another of the visitor centers within the park. This one had a gift shop, but we didn't go in, we were pretty much all tourist gifted out at this point.

Belvedere Castle

There is a castle in Central park, from which you can get a nice view of the park. I think, if I recall correctly, the name, Belvedere, actually means Beautiful view, or something along those lines.

Central Park North

These are taken in the north end of the park. It is the more nature related end of the park. It is also the end of the park that you shouldn't be in alone after dark.

One among many.

There are a lot of churches in New York, most of which are interesting architectural structures.


These were also taken on the way to Central Park. They are along the same street. The second was in front of a boarded up / burnt out building quite close to the park. It was along the Harlem edge of the park.

New York Continued . . .

Here are some architectural details that I captured as we walked towards Central Park.

Monday, March 12, 2007


There are some more New York photos, and the photos from St.Jacob's that I still have to post, but I keep forgetting to do it. So in the mean time, here is Bonzai with his new hat. . . . I should have checked the gauge before I got too far into the hat I suppose. . . It was intended to be a full size adult hat :(

Newest House Guest

This is Oliver (aka, Oscar, Buddy, and a few other names)