Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hot Air Balloon

So there should be a picture of the hot air balloons that were flying out of Victoria park yesterday, but someone (namely me) forgot one of the most important things about digital photography. . . . you actually have to put the memory card in the camera to save the picture :P
Oh well, maybe next time.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


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Telephone pole

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Picnic Table

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I haven't posted in a while, so here is a photo. . . . more to come. . . some might actually be in focus :P
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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Around the world in six hours

Ok, so I didn't really go around the world, but I did go to Vegas (as many of you already know). Below are a few photos from my journey.

I left out the trip to Eygpt (the Luxor), and a few other places.

New York

I always wanted to go to New York, I guess this will have to do for now.

MGM Grand

A big shiny kitty :)


I think this was at the Venitian.


By the time I got back to Caesar's Palace I was so tired, I just took a few photos and hurried on back towards the Bellagio, but that's a story for the next post :P

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Fountains

The fountain at the Bellagio is amazing. I stayed and watched for a few songs and then moved along. . . back towards the castle . . .

Oh, how could I forget . . . .
There were these preacher guys on the corner at the Bellagio, attempting to save everyone. And if you knew that Nothing was greater than God then they'd give you $2. Everyone that I heard was trying to figure out where they were getting the money . . .

A room fit for a King (or Queen rather)

After hours out on the Strip I arrived back at the Castle where I promptly found somewhere to eat dinner and then got a massage. AquaMassage is my new favourite thing :)
Then after a short while in the casino, I spent a restful night in my hotel room.

[Edit: I fixed the title, the original title made it sound a little bit more exciting, but this is what I actually meant to write ;) ]

The View

Ok, so I managed to get a few pictures of the view on the drive home. I would have taken them on the way there but the scenic outlook kind of snuck up on me and then whized by at a high speed. . . . You have to watchout for those scenic outlooks, they are awfully sneaky. . . .

I'm kind of disappointed with these photos. . . it seems I forgot to reset the ISO level so they are pretty grainy and washed out :(

The End

And then I was back in Phoenix, another weekend behind me.