Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The sunset that never was . . .

So I accompanied George and Carolyn on a trip to photograph the sunset at South Mountain on Sunday. Unfortunately, it was rather cloudy and the sunset was rather lacking in colour. But here are some of the photos I took anyway, before we decided to run for our lives from the pack of wild coyotes howling (well it's more of a yipping) somewhere in the vacinity. We didn't actually see them, but we decided it was best to leave the area as quickly as possible and not to wait around for them to find us.

George atop the mountain for an up close and personal photo shoot with a cactus:

Carolyn the Cactus:

Pre-sunset (It is a little over exposed, but I kind of like the colour that resulted) :

Sunset (Eventhough it wasn't cloudy I did like the location we chose, and the clouds were neat) :
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Sunday, March 26, 2006


I haven't posted a picture of my kitty Saru in a while so here is one. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hoppity Hop Hop

I decided to go for a drive today. I ended up at a park in Tempe. (I was on my way somewhere else but I guess I got lost. ) Anyway, there was some wildlife and mountains at the end of a dead end street so I parked the truck and walked around for a bit. These bunnies were cute, they were chasing each other and would jump over one another as demonstrated in the photo below. Unfortunately, they are kind of hard to see with all the background clutter.

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It's no mustang, but . . .

It's kind of like I belong here. I'm just like everyone else around here with my SUV :P Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Primed and Painted . . . .

The walls and trim are primed and the first coat of paint is on the ceiling :)

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mistaken Identity

Ok, so this is a post directed at those of you who ended up here accidently. It seems that at least once a day I get a hit from someone looking for "tai girl" in a search engine. Sorry to disappoint. I think you may be looking for "Thai girl" but I could be wrong. Any way, good luck with the continuation of your search.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The downside of home ownership . . .

there's no one to call when your toilet blows up :(

Well, that's not entirely true, I did end up calling a friend to come over to turn of the water value as I was in capable of turning it, and I seem to lack the necessary tools to do such a job.

Friday, March 10, 2006

White-lined Sphinx Moth

I finally found out what this is, so I had to share, ok, back to work now. . . . Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 09, 2006