Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Interesting Idea

I'm assuming this guy is legitimate, and if so, this site is kind of a neat idea:
He is raising money to help children in Africa through the Google AdSense ads on his page.


It was so cold at work today even Monkey had to put on a sweatshirt . . . unfortunately the one he chose was a little too big for him . . .

Long time, no post

Well, I haven't posted in a while, and I happen to be looking through some old photos, so I thought I'd put one up. I don't remember if I already posted this one, so let's hope not (I'm too lazy to go back over the logs to figure out if I have. This little guy reminded me of summer and heat (taken in Tuscon during the summer), so I thought what better photo to post as Christmas approaches ;)

Friday, November 24, 2006

This is so cool. . . for me anyway

I can actually get the photos off of my phone using my new laptop :) Yay for bluetooth. Now, I might add that this is something that the manual said was impossible without emailing them (which costs money).
So, I admit that the photo quality isn't that good, but here are a few of the shots that I have downloaded:

And the strangest thing . . . I found a bunch of videos on the phone that I didn't take. . . seems I must have left my phone in the room with Ryan ;) (well, Ryan, Joy, and Alex)


As of 11:12am this morning I am now the proud new mom (err, I mean owner) of a Mac Book.

I'm enjoying it so far, but have lots of stuff to figure out. Good thing Ryan got his a week earlier, now he can teach me :P

I was playing with the built in webcam and photobooth program:

Well, back to playing . . . .

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Things I've learnt so far. . .

Don't put your room key next to your cell phone . . . this can result in you being locked out of your room . . . at least the front desk clerk is very friendly and helpful . . . and she even remebered my name, how crazy is that :P

First time to New Jersey

Well, it's hard to tell, but this is a photo of the bar in the stretch limo that delivered us from the Newark airport to our hotel. . . maybe this trip won't turn out to be so bad after all. . .
And our flight was only delayed for 45 minutes . . .

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Stairs :)

So I finally got around to finishing the painting of the walls/ceiling over the stairs, so I have started to remove the carpet. (One more step closer to my carpet-free home :) )
They will need a bit of work in order to get the paint drips from a previous owner off, but I think they will look pretty good in the end.

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Saturday, November 04, 2006


Well, it's not as fancy as Joy's, but he was a happy pumpkin :)

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Monday, October 09, 2006


Here are some random shots that I took today. I am finally starting to feel better after being sick for over a week, so I thought I'd get up and walk around with the camera for a little while.

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The first load

Well, I finally gave in to my laziness and purchased a dishwasher. After some difficulty with the faucet (which is still technically not fixed...) I finally was able to run the first load of dishes through the washer :)

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A few more of Jack . . .

well these are a little better than the last ones (still not my best photos, but. . . .)
So, I thought as a thanksgiving day treat I'd post some more photos for G & C of their favourite kitty.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Typical Jack

By request, I am posting some photos of Jack. They aren't the greatest (most flattering) photos, but they do show the typical everyday Jack :)
So, without further ado, for those currently globe-trotting and missing their big kitten, here's Jack!

P.S. George, try not to get Rabies from any of the stray cats you are making friends with :) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 16, 2006

New Roof!

Well I finally got around to doing the back roof. Anyone who has seen it will know how much this was needed. Now hopefully it won't leak any more :)

(And see, I did it myself :), well, with some help from my dad.) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Grand Opening Fun

Here are a few photos from the Grand Opening ceremonies for our new Tai Chi practice hall.

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Thursday, September 07, 2006


I need a way to maintain a list of ideas/topics that I want to research in more detail when I have spare time (i.e. when I'm not at work). I'm thinking a little notebook that I can carry around with me, but I wanted to know if anyone else had any other ideas. Let me know.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Coffee Crisp :)

Ok, so we complained about it when we were there, and apparently a lot of others have complained about it too. Coffee Crisp chocolate bars used to be only available in Canada. But now, after the efforts of the good people at Nestle has started marketing Coffee Crisp everywhere in the United States. They can still be hard to find apparently, but there is a sitings section on the above noted webpage which may help you track one down if you happen to be currently living in /visiting the US.

And as a side note, apparently you can also buy Skor bars there, although I didn't seen any.

Monday, September 04, 2006

My Cubicle by

hee hee . . .


I have just finished reading Freakonomics, (as reflected in my updated reading list), and I just thought I would post a little note recommending this book. I found it very interesting and enlightening.
In fact I would recommend all of the books which are on my recently read list, (I suppose I should start taking some of them off of there, they aren't so recent anymore). They have all inspired (or at the very least entertained) me in some way. Another additional book which has been pushed off the list, but deserves no less of a recommendation is The Five People You Meet in Heaven (also by Mitch Albom, author of Tuesdays with Morrie).
Enough rambling from me for now, read them if you haven't already, they're worth the time :)

Friday, August 25, 2006

Bad Kitty

I was standing in my room, and I saw Saru wander past the door . . . just then . . . I heard the sound of "crunch crunch" (cat food being eaten). I walked over to the blue room to investigate. . . (Saru was sitting in the hall, so it obviously wasn't her.) . . . So it turns out Jack has no trouble jumping up to the window sill where I have been feeding Saru . . . I was kind of wondering why she has been going through so much food lately. . . .
Hopefully this hasn't impacted Jack's dieting progress too much, and hopefully he can't jump up to my dresser to the new location for the food.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

New Paint Photos

I thought that I should post a few photos of the new paint job rather than just tell you all about it :) If you look at the older photos from when I planted the new gardens you'll notice the significant improvement.

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Wedding Flowers

These are some of the flowers that I recently planted. They remind me of a wedding bouquet in these photos.

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The one that survived. . . .

This single white rose bloomed and survived (i.e. was not stolen) in my garden not too long ago.

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