Friday, August 25, 2006

Bad Kitty

I was standing in my room, and I saw Saru wander past the door . . . just then . . . I heard the sound of "crunch crunch" (cat food being eaten). I walked over to the blue room to investigate. . . (Saru was sitting in the hall, so it obviously wasn't her.) . . . So it turns out Jack has no trouble jumping up to the window sill where I have been feeding Saru . . . I was kind of wondering why she has been going through so much food lately. . . .
Hopefully this hasn't impacted Jack's dieting progress too much, and hopefully he can't jump up to my dresser to the new location for the food.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

New Paint Photos

I thought that I should post a few photos of the new paint job rather than just tell you all about it :) If you look at the older photos from when I planted the new gardens you'll notice the significant improvement.

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Wedding Flowers

These are some of the flowers that I recently planted. They remind me of a wedding bouquet in these photos.

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The one that survived. . . .

This single white rose bloomed and survived (i.e. was not stolen) in my garden not too long ago.

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Monday, August 21, 2006


They finished the exterior painting today. It looks all nice and pretty :)

Saturday, August 12, 2006


I think it was Ryan that was trying to remember this word not too long ago. I came across it in a book I was reading today, Microserfs.

Trepanation = drilling a hole in the skull to relieve pressure on the brain.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The purr machine

Jack in his happy place. . . .
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Busy Long Weekend

I got a little ambitious this weekend; I decided to do a little gardening. Unfortunately, I forgot to take before pictures, so it may be that only those of you who have seen the yard in the past will notice the significant changes. Also, I forgot to take pictures until it was starting to get dark, so these aren't that great (especially the picture of the hosta garden beside the house). But I'm just happy it has turned out so well, so I thought I'd share it with everyone, especially since I haven't posted anything for a while.

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