Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Typical Jack

By request, I am posting some photos of Jack. They aren't the greatest (most flattering) photos, but they do show the typical everyday Jack :)
So, without further ado, for those currently globe-trotting and missing their big kitten, here's Jack!

P.S. George, try not to get Rabies from any of the stray cats you are making friends with :) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 16, 2006

New Roof!

Well I finally got around to doing the back roof. Anyone who has seen it will know how much this was needed. Now hopefully it won't leak any more :)

(And see, I did it myself :), well, with some help from my dad.) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Grand Opening Fun

Here are a few photos from the Grand Opening ceremonies for our new Tai Chi practice hall.

 Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 08, 2006

Thursday, September 07, 2006


I need a way to maintain a list of ideas/topics that I want to research in more detail when I have spare time (i.e. when I'm not at work). I'm thinking a little notebook that I can carry around with me, but I wanted to know if anyone else had any other ideas. Let me know.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Coffee Crisp :)

Ok, so we complained about it when we were there, and apparently a lot of others have complained about it too. Coffee Crisp chocolate bars used to be only available in Canada. But now, after the efforts of the good people at http://www.coffeecrisp.org/ Nestle has started marketing Coffee Crisp everywhere in the United States. They can still be hard to find apparently, but there is a sitings section on the above noted webpage which may help you track one down if you happen to be currently living in /visiting the US.

And as a side note, apparently you can also buy Skor bars there, although I didn't seen any.

Monday, September 04, 2006

My Cubicle by RadioSideKick.com

hee hee . . .


I have just finished reading Freakonomics, (as reflected in my updated reading list), and I just thought I would post a little note recommending this book. I found it very interesting and enlightening.
In fact I would recommend all of the books which are on my recently read list, (I suppose I should start taking some of them off of there, they aren't so recent anymore). They have all inspired (or at the very least entertained) me in some way. Another additional book which has been pushed off the list, but deserves no less of a recommendation is The Five People You Meet in Heaven (also by Mitch Albom, author of Tuesdays with Morrie).
Enough rambling from me for now, read them if you haven't already, they're worth the time :)