Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 3

Juliette & The New Romantiques - They were good. The show had more lighting and stuff than most because it was being broadcast on DirectTV.
Josh Pyke - Saw him at the Aussie BBQ. We only caught a couple of his songs, but I enjoyed him and I think I'll check out his stuff.
Barcelona - We caught the end of their set after we ate dinner, as they were playing at the same venue as Alberta Cross. They were pretty good.
Alberta Cross - I thought they were more "rock" than other bands weve been seeing, who fit into other areas of rock (like punk rock). I liked them too, and will probably check out more of their stuff when I get home. Their from New York (not Alberta).
Funeral Party - High energy, and good at what they do. We both enjoyed this band too.
Mirah - She was enjoyable. She probably would have done better in a smaller venue where people were more focused on the band. There was a lot of chatter in the crowd that distracted from the show.
New York Dolls - Amazing. They are awesome. They've been around for a long time but they still look and sound like they belong on stage.

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